Study Shows Attitudes Towards DUI Change After a Few Drinks

According to new research, people's attitudes towards driving under the influence of alcohol change after they have consumed two or more alcoholic beverages. Even people who normally find it very distasteful to drive under the influence of alcohol find that their attitudes are not so stringent when they are asked about it after having a few drinks.
The researchers measured the difference in attitudes towards DUI among subjects when they were sober, and after they had consumed a certain amount of alcohol. The vast difference in attitudes towards DUI among people when they were sober and when they were in an intoxicated state was very startling to the researchers.
According to the researchers, they did expect that drinking alcohol would soften people's attitudes towards driving under the influence of alcohol, because alcohol does tend to impair judgment abilities. People, who normally would never do anything stupid while sober, end up making surprisingly stupid decisions after a few drinks.
However, the researchers say that they were not prepared for the wide disparity in attitudes and behaviors after the consumption of a certain amount of alcohol. The judgment when these people were intoxicated was vastly different from their judgment skills when they were sober. Under the influence of a few alcoholic beverages, these people were more likely to believe that driving under the influence of alcohol was not so bad after all.
Driving under the influence of alcohol can have you arrested for DUI and increase your risk of being involved in an alcohol-related accident. If you are out with friends having a few drinks, be sure to have someone drive you home at the end of the evening to avoid a DUI arrest.